[June Quest] How We Embrace Diversity

Rush's June quest is to talk about the topic of diversity, which literally means respecting and accepting differences in terms of gender, race, culture, sexual orientation, or religion. Our society is increasingly made up of people from different backgrounds and experiences, but we often make biases in our daily lives without even realizing it.

These biases are unconscious because they stem from our upbringing and experiences, so I'd like to talk about our attitudes towards diversity in this post.

(Image source: Pixabay)

Embracing diversity requires first and foremost recognizing our own biases and working to overcome them. You need to be open-minded, accept different perspectives, experiences, and try to see things from other people's perspectives. You also need to attempt to create a culture of understanding and respect for differences through diversity training and dialog.

I found some examples of how diversity is not respected in my country.

  1. In 2018, a large supermarket in Seoul was recruiting employees and discriminated against foreigners and excluded applicants from certain countries. This was one of the most obvious examples of a lack of respect for diversity. It became a big social controversy.
  2. Many LGBTQ people experience workplace harassment and social exclusion when they are open about their identity. This is a symptom of a society that doesn't respect diversity.

We are all different, but our differences make us a richer society. Celebrating diversity isn't just about accepting those differences, it's about recognizing how much more value they add to our society. When we overcome prejudice and embrace diverse perspectives, our society will mature, grow, and evolve.

It's time to stop thinking about "me" and "my people" and start working to create a society where everyone is respected and happy.

+ In October 2023, we hired a Senior Part-Timer at Rush Korea's Myeongdong store. We support Rush Korea's commitment to diversity and inclusion within the organization.
